So Matt O., I, and our wives rolled over to Plaza Bowl and Duckpins this past Thursday to duckpin bowl and drink PBR pitchers. We had a great time and ended up talking to the owner (it was a slow night). He asked us about any ideas we had for better marketing the place and we had a great conversation that really explored our love for the place.
Plaza Bowl is really just an incredibly fun destination - it's laid back, and you don't feel pressure to bowl 300. There's now a stage where some of the lanes used to be, and bands play regularly. It's got a great retro feel since none of the equipment has been manufactured for decades, and the owner maintains it himself.
In fact, we were thrilled that he invited us behind the scenes to observe the 1950s era machinery that runs the lanes, and I snapped some pictures on my iPhone. As programmers Matt and I were amazed at this complex mechanical state machine, and there's an aesthetic to the vintage gears, chains, and conveyor belts that adds to the appeal. A steampunk's dream!
I highly recommend that you check Plaza Bowl and Duckpins out. It's difficult to communicate how awesome this place is, but I guarantee you'll have a good time and be back. We want to keep this place in town, so show your love!