There's some scary stuff on PostSecret, but this takes the cake:

More about Rex 84 here.
One other random tidbit: isn't "continuity of government" an usurpation of the human rights asserted by the Founders - by definition?
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
If the government is rendered unable to lawfully govern - regardless of whether that is the result of invasion or civil insurrection - then that government can be considered dissolved and no longer a legitimate authority (assuming for the moment that it ever is). I mean, if the government has lost any ability or interest in defending our persons, why even recognize it? If an invasion occurs successfully, then it's over - and resistance is far more likely to occur in a decentralized, guerrilla fashion than as an activity coordinated by the same incompetent and spineless bureaucrats we deal with today. But moreover, is there any real difference between our "public servants" operating as a sort of Vichy regime for hostile invaders and being a hostile sovereign, independent government? Under either scenario, ignoring the State is the only sane option, regardless of the stakes.
I wonder if the U.S. government has any super-secret military plans to encourage and coordinate the smooth transition to "new Government" being instituted by the People. Of course, I'm sure they have all sorts of plans for new government that they'd like to institute.
Read this article