Ryan provides the heads-up on the upcoming Ruby Hoedown in Raleigh this summer:
It's official, the 2007 Ruby Hoedown is in full swing now. The venue and dates are set and we've already made our call for proposals. Now starts the heavy lifting -- heavy lifting best shared amongst the community. If you're the philanthropic type, or even if you're not, we'd love for you to volunteer to review the proposals we'll be getting for the conference. Besides contributing to a worthy cause, members of the program committee will get free registration to the event as well.So, if you're interested in helping us review the many worthy proposals that will begin filtering in shortly, drop me a line at proposals [at] rubyhoedown.com. Thanks in advance!
For those of you (like me) not going to Portland this year, this should provide some networking and learning opportunities we'd otherwise miss. I highly recommend it for newbies, and consider getting involved if you know what you're doing in Ruby.
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