I'm blogging from the Gosport Arts Festival in Portsmouth, VA. While Tasha is setting up her booth, I'll give you the goods on stuff. Let's go down the list:
- Tasha won an award for distinction at this show! The $500 prize will help out a lot, and it's good that Tasha's massive improvement in her work was acknowledged. I'm very proud of her!
- I'll be able to see Brothers Past next weekend. I was thinking I might not be able to because Tasha would need help at the show in Fredericksburg, but she said she can handle it. So I get to go to a music festival, and I think Bill and Sara are bringing a keg so we should be set.
- My phone is suddenly working a lot better. Verizon Wireless is full of bullshit and should have their corporate charter revoked by the U.N. or whatever. It's actually doing the same thing it's done off and on ever since I've owned it: I have to angle the charger in the port a certain way for the battery to know it's being charged. I'm actually blogging on my work laptop right now, connecting to the 'net over my phone's Bluetooth link (115 kbps ain't bad for free!).
- My car is acting a bit better. It still takes five minutes from starting it before it runs anywhere near road safe, but at least I can get around. I drove from Richmond to Mathews just fine. At this point the M.O. is to drive it until it actually breaks down, because then they're HAVE to fix the problem.
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