- The outer heart - green / heart chakra
- Integrating the shadow self into the heart ("Know Thyself, part 2")
- Temple of heart is where mind becomes known to self
- We have darkness, violence within ourselves with which we must reckon
- We psychically negatively greet ourselves!
- Ritual can help: confession, absolution
- Honesty can show shadow self
- Everything in self has merit, contains information about self that needs conservation, understanding, etc.
- All parts of self are worthy, but one needs to love, redeem and accept them
- Knowing self is scary and uncomfortable
- Judgement, overcoming and patience
- Judgement becomes a distraction
- The work is hard
- Patience and compassion for self / otherself is a long process
- Demonstrating love for others = demonstrating love for self
- "Tell world your story" - be completely vulnerable
- The temple of the heart is guarded against premature entry
- Heart is a source of tremendous power once it is unblocked
- Forgiveness and acceptance is the key
- Freedom to love = freedom from need to judge / condemn
- Letting go of fear
- Rest is important
- Integrating the shadow self into the heart ("Know Thyself, part 2")
- The inner heart - green / heart chakra
- Working directly with love
- Exercises
- Where is the love in the moment?
- Look into another self's eyes: see the creator
- Look in the mirror: see the creator
- Look at the creation (everything): see the creator
- Balance brain work with intuition and love
- Sexuality can be ennobled and made sacred through green ray work
- Pure red / orange sexual experience is fleeting
- Great potential in green ray sexual exchange
- This exchange takes work
- Exercises
- Healing
- Heal from / within the heart
- Draw power / guidance from green ray
- Green ray exchange / sharing of energy is involved in healing
- The healer offers an environment in which person can be healed / heals self
- Must maintain attitude of non-judgement
- Unconditional radiation of pure love / light that goes where needed
- Healer must be unblocked to radiate best
- Working directly with love
- The blue / throat chakra
- Honesty / open communication
- Work on honesty with self to be honest to others
- Is it useful to teach?
- Yes - teach what you are learning
- Is it useful to teach without being asked?
- No - pure radiation is most helpful
- Talk about what you know if asked
- Serve when requested
- The indigo / brow chakra
- Meditation
- Body not used to meditation, used to activity
- Set aside time daily - takes about a month to get in a routine
- Backlog of messages from the subconscious
- Many ways to work in consciousness
- Acknowledge dark / dissonant /chaotic voices, accept them as self
- Prerequisite to consciousness work: open heart
- Take responsibility for your thoughts
- Discipline of mind = crystalizing self / chakras
- People come together to crystalize with others
- ritual / white magic - patterns of activity / thinking / speaking to signal subconscious for consciousness work
- What do you desire?
- Study your desires - they offer clues to understanding self
- listen to small voice
- What is your service?
- Radiation of love / light is only service
- Every specific service is a form of this
- Meditation
- The violet / crown chakra
- Contact with intelligent infinity
- mystery
- Contact with intelligent infinity
We just participated in a "grid activation" meditation.
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