- Breakdown of history of densities
- 1st density
- Chaos of the elements
- Fire and wind taught earth and water
- 2nd density: animal life, pack consciousness
- 3rd density
- shortest: 75,000 yrs long (3 25k cycles)
- purpose: to choose polarity (positive / negative)
- 51% of actions / intentions need to be service to others as oppose to service to self
- conscious choice is not required - demonstration is all that is neccessary
- 1st density
- Hallmarks of the end of 3rd density
- Wanderers (indigo children, starseeds)
- from higher densities
- from other planets
- here to lighten vibrations
- Short term increase in negatively oriented entities and social complexes
- Harvest will likey be small despite best efforts of the Confederation
- Less than planet is capable of handling
- Most entities on Earth will need to find another 3rd density planet
- Wanderers (indigo children, starseeds)
- Hallmarks of 4th density
- Communication by thought, not words
- No possibility for deceit, less for misunderstanding
- Motives are laid plain
- Disharmony in self and without is impossible
- True collectives are possible
- 4D entities must be hidden from 3D entities to conserve possibility for 3D choice
- Light body instead of chemical body
- Service to others is perceived as the prime motivations
- Physical construction will be accomplished through mental effort and discipline
- Started around the time of Hiroshima/Nagasaki
- 100-700 year transition into 4D
- Communication by thought, not words
- How do we get to 4th density?
- We have chosen a particular path to attain 4D through practice, consciousness, experience, empathy, etc.
- Lingo was searching for how to activate whole brain - achieving brain self control
- Saw horror and futility of war and decided to move humanity forward through consciousness research
- Center consciousness in frontal lobes where abstract thought takes place
- Studied how primitive man thought and acted
- Sought optimal brain state for humans
- Invented a process to train his mind
- Paying attention to dreams, journaling
- Seeing patterns that were preincarnatively programmed
- pinpoint early pains
- Neurodramas: closing "circuit" of past emotionally traumatic memories to get flow of thought further forward in brain
- Helps you achieve this emotional and intellectual understanding of frustration
- Understanding releases the need for attention
- Circuits in mind can be "closed" instead of being locked
- Meditation
- focused state without distractions
- contact with higher consciousnesses more apparent and readily observable
- higher self contact more efficient
- Open chakras to achieve efficient and free energetic flow
- (Ritual) Magic: being able to effect changes in consciousness at will or access higher self

Gary asking a question of Jim, Tiffani listening intently
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